Company E, Cherokee Legion (Ga) Infantry

"Cherokee Volunteers"

ALLEN, CalebPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-25-64*.
ALLEN, HollenPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-5-64*
ALRED, EliasPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. On leave 1-22-64.
BENNETT, FreemanPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-18-64*.
BLANTON, DanielPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
BROWN, JamesPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-20-64*.
CHUMLEY, George W.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Elected 2nd Lt. 10-7-63.
COOK, GilfordPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-18-63.
COOK, NathanielPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 11-9-63.
COLE, SandyPvt.Enlisted Walseca, GA 7-8-63.
COSTNER, David G.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-22-63. Transferred to Co. A 11-14-63 and promoted to Sgt.
COSTNER, ThomasPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 11-9-63.
COVINGTON, A.J.Capt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
COVINGTON, John H.Pvt.Enlisted Shiloa, GA 7-13-63. Transferred to Co.E 9-1-63. Promoted to Lt. 10-7-63.
EVINS, James M.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Entered regular CSA service 11-20-63.
FOWLER, JessePvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
GATES, WilliamPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Promoted to Cpl. Deserted 11-25-63.
GAY, AlbertPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-18-63.
GRAHAM, J.A.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-20-63.
HEAD, Doctor E.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Refused to obey orders. On leave 1-22-64.
HIDE, TantyPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 11-9-63 and then recalled. He refused to return to the Legion.
HUFF, JohnPvt.Enlisted Canton, GA 7-22-63. Detailed 9-13-63 and recalled 11-7-63. Transferred to Co. E from Co. A 11-14-63 and promoted to Sgt. Detailed Hospital Steward 12-25-63.
HUFSTUTLER, Emanu.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
HUMPHRES, James O.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
HUMPHRES, JessePvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 1-12-64.
HUTSON, RobertPvt.No information available.
HUTSON, ThomasPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
KILBY, WilliamPvt.Enlisted Walseca, GA 7-8-63. Entered regular CSA service doing no service in the Legion.
KING, DanielPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Conscripted to regular CSA service.
KING, WilliamPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 12-20-63.
KINSEY, Stephen E.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 12-20-63.
KIRK, John D.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. On leave 1-22-64.
McCOY, ElijahPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 1-12-64.
MINTON, John P.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Promoted to Sgt.
MORRIS, IsaacLt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
PITMAN, ZacheriahSgt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 1-12-64.
PITTS, HenryPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 11-9-63.
PITTS, WilliamPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Promoted to Sgt.
PUCKETT, JohnPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Transferred to another Co. (B?) 9-10-63.
PUCKETT, WesleyPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Transferred to Co. B 9-10-63. Detailed 1-7-64.
REDDING, JamesPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63.
ROBERSON, WilliamPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Excused from service being less than 18 years old.
ROBERTS, ThomasPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 11-7-63.
SMITH, ElijahPvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-10-63.
SMITH, ThomasEns.No enlistment information available. Promoted to 2nd Lt.
SWANSON, James M.Pvt.Enlisted Walesca, GA 7-8-63. Deserted 11-18-63.
WALKER, JamesLt.Enlisted 7-22-63.
WOOD, JosephPvt.Enlisted Walseca, GA 7-8-63. Detailed 11-9-63.

* These are the dates given in Mr. Cates' book. As Company E disbanded on about 1-22-64, the dates may be correctly in 1863. It is possible that these men entered regular CSA service and deserted from that.

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